About Us – Christian Advantage International
We are ordinary people who believe in an extra-ordinary God and through that we have become extra – ordinary people. We know that we were like any other people in this world until we were metamorphosed into God kind.
And we know fully sure that there is no way back after a Christian has been metamorphosed into God kind. There is no other way for that person to turn back because just as a caterpillar is metamorphosed into a butterfly there is no way for that butterfly to ever become a caterpillar again. So when an ordinary man is born again he is changed in his spirit. Supernatural life has taken over his natural life. Even if she or he does not feel that way that is the truth that stands.
We are called to bring the gospel of peace to the troubled world.
We are called to bring the gospel of no condemnation to humanity.
We are called to bring the gospel of unconditional love to all.
Read our Statment of Faith…
Church Service Times
Sunday service:
11.00am – 1.30pm
Every first Sunday of the month:
Shake it off miracle Crusade
11.00am – 2.00pm
Wednesday – Bible study
6.30pm – 8.30pm
Every last Friday – Night vigil
10.00pm – 1.00am
Saturday – Choir pratice
12.30pm – 4.30pm